c++ - WrapPerspective doesn't dewrap corectly -

after procedure std::vector<std::pair<cv::point, cv::point>> tempendpoints, i'll following first , second parameter:

first: [139, 113][201, 310][223, 339][297, 437][323, 472][381, 465][408, 413][484, 291][505, 151] second: [139, 210][201, 692][223, 664][297, 550][323, 523][381, 544][408, 580][484, 699][505, 254] 

now i'm stuck @ wrapperspective. each of "corner" points creats small image, has individual size (it earlier created textureimage). stored , fine. want dewrap "small images" inside points, mentioned before.

for (int = 0; < tempendpoints.size() - 1; i++) {         //do stuff...     cv::vec3b zero(0, 0, 0);      cv::mat_<cv::vec3b> dewrapped(textureimage.rows, textureimage.cols, zero);      cv::point2f srcpts[] = {         point2f(tempendpoints[i].first),             point2f(tempendpoints[i + 1].first),             point2f(tempendpoints[i + 1].second),             point2f(tempendpoints[i].second) };      std::cout << "srcpoints: " << tempendpoints[i].first << ", " << tempendpoints[i + 1].first         << ", " << tempendpoints[i + 1].second << ", " << tempendpoints[i].second << "\n";      const cv::point2f dstpts[] = {         cv::point2f(tempendpoints[i].first),         cv::point2f(tempendpoints[i + 1].first.x, tempendpoints[i].first.y),         cv::point2f(tempendpoints[i + 1].second.x, tempendpoints[i].second.y),         cv::point2f(tempendpoints[i].second)};      std::cout << "dstpoints: " << tempendpoints[i].first << ", " << tempendpoints[i + 1].first.x << "-" << tempendpoints[i].first.y         << ", " << tempendpoints[i + 1].second.x << "-" << tempendpoints[i].second.y << ", " << tempendpoints[i].second << "\n";      cv::mat homography_matrix = cv::getperspectivetransform(srcpts, dstpts);      cv::warpperspective(textureimage, dewrapped, homography_matrix, textureimage.size());     cv::imshow("dewrap", dewrapped); 

followed this blog , nothing seems happen - well, black image. order of points in srcpts , dstpts is:

1---2 |   | 4---3 

looking @ this question, tried order, results in black image. there's order in blog, mentioned before. doing wrong in code?

[edit:] output srcpt , dstpt is:

srcpts: [20, 54], [123, 83], [123, 188], [20, 65] dstpts: [20, 54], [123, 54], [123, 65], [20, 65] srcpts: [123, 83], [181, 362], [181, 718], [123, 188] dstpts: [123, 83], [181, 83], [181, 188], [123, 188] srcpts: [181, 362], [278, 412], [278, 569], [181, 718] dstpts: [181, 362], [278, 362], [278, 718], [181, 718] srcpts: [278, 412], [290, 428], [290, 557], [278, 569] dstpts: [278, 412], [290, 412], [290, 569], [278, 569] srcpts: [290, 428], [321, 469], [321, 525], [290, 557] dstpts: [290, 428], [321, 428], [321, 557], [290, 557] srcpts: [321, 469], [373, 476], [373, 534], [321, 525] dstpts: [321, 469], [373, 469], [373, 525], [321, 525] srcpts: [373, 476], [387, 447], [387, 552], [373, 534] dstpts: [373, 476], [387, 476], [387, 534], [373, 534] srcpts: [387, 447], [407, 415], [407, 579], [387, 552] dstpts: [387, 447], [407, 447], [407, 552], [387, 552] srcpts: [407, 415], [421, 392], [421, 597], [407, 579] dstpts: [407, 415], [421, 415], [421, 579], [407, 579] srcpts: [421, 392], [531, 90], [531, 212], [421, 597] dstpts: [421, 392], [531, 392], [531, 597], [421, 597] 


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