github - How to commit my branch development to the git? -

i have 2 branches in our repository.

 master     dev 

i got checkout dev branch. (#git checkout -b origin/dev) , did development locally. want commit changes dev branch. tried.

#git add . #git commit -m "aa" # git push 

but getting fatal error. repository '' not found

when trying status

# git status 

i get

on branch dev branch ahead of 'origin/dev' 2 commits.   (use "git push" publish local commits) nothing commit, working directory clean 

how can commit dev branch?

i tried ;

 #git remote show origin 

and getting;

* remote origin   fetch url:   push  url:   head branch: master   remote branches:     dev    tracked     master tracked   local branch configured 'git pull':     dev merges remote dev   local ref configured 'git push':     dev pushes dev (fast-forwardable) 

show remotes:

git remote show 

inspect remote:

git remote show origin 

the remote url might wrong (sometimes it's renamed different url).

remove it:

git remote remove origin 

add updated url:

git remote add origin something.git 


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