java - Why Hibernate doesn't return anything from the Native Query -

i have application based on hibernate 4.2 , spring boot 1.4. , have specific sql query can not model hql in performant way.

log.debug("request current bids station : code {}, bidtype {}, versionnum {}", code, bidtype, grainproadminproperties.getprice().getcurrentversionnumber());  list<object[]> result = sessionfactory.getcurrentsession().createsqlquery(         "select bid.*, tp.price tp_price, tp.price_nds tp_pricends " +         "from bid, transportation_price tp, station_location lts, partner part, station stat " +         "where " +         "   bid.is_active = true and" +         "   bid.archive_date null , " +         " = bid.elevator_id , " +         "   part.station_id = , " +         "   lts.region_id = stat.region_id , " +         "   lts.district_id = stat.district_id , " +         "   (stat.locality_id null or " +         "   lts.locality_id = stat.locality_id) , " +         "   ((cast(tp.station_from_code text) = lts.code , " +         "     cast(tp.station_to_code text) = cast(:code text)) " +         " or " +         "    (cast(tp.station_to_code text) = lts.code , " +         "     cast(tp.station_from_code text) = cast(:code text))) , " +         "    cast(bid.bid_type text) cast(:bidtype text) , " +         "    cast(tp.version_number int) = cast(:versionnumber int)").         setresulttransformer(             new resulttransformer() {                 @override                 public object transformtuple(object[] tuple, string[] aliases) {                     log.warn("transform tuple: {}, aliases {}", tuple, aliases);                     return null;                 }                  @override                 public list transformlist(list collection) {                     return collection;                 }             }         ).         setparameter("code", code).         setparameter("versionnumber", grainproadminproperties.getprice().getcurrentversionnumber()).         setparameter("bidtype", bidtype).         list();      log.debug("result of request: {}", result); 

in log file can see:

request current bids station : code 865065, bidtype buy, versionnum 2 hibernate: select bid.*, tp.price tp_price, tp.price_nds tp_pricends bid, transportation_price tp, station_location lts, partner part, station stat    bid.is_active = true ,   bid.archive_date null , = bid.elevator_id ,    part.station_id = ,    lts.region_id = stat.region_id ,    lts.district_id = stat.district_id ,    (stat.locality_id null or    lts.locality_id = stat.locality_id) ,    ((cast(tp.station_from_code text) = lts.code ,      cast(tp.station_to_code text) = cast(? text))  or     (cast(tp.station_to_code text) = lts.code ,      cast(tp.station_from_code text) = cast(? text))) ,     cast(bid.bid_type text) cast(? text) ,     cast(tp.version_number int) = cast(? int) result of request: [] 

so returned result empty. i'm trying execute absolutely same request directly in db same parameters , i'm getting 3 results.

could please predict why case?

the problem (as @gaƫlmarziou said) in binding. i'm using enum bidtype input parameter query not transformed string using standard tostring method.


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