html - Extra div causing the image height not scaling properly (display: flex) -

i took code here. code working when added div wrap div class fullwidth, images height not scale equally depending on height of screen.

this how looks originally:

body,  html {    height: 100%;  }    .fullwidth {    display: flex;    flex-direction: column;    height: 100%;  }    .repeat-x {    flex: 1;    background-size: cover;    background-repeat: no-repeat;    background-position: center center;  }    .bg-1 {    background-image: url(;  }    .bg-2 {    background-image: url(;  }    .bg-3 {    background-image: url(;  }
<div class="fullwidth">    <div class="repeat-x bg-1">&nbsp;</div>    <div class="repeat-x bg-2">&nbsp;</div>    <div class="repeat-x bg-3">&nbsp;</div>  </div>

after wrapping fullwidth div :-

body,  html {    height: 100%;  }    .fullwidth {    display: flex;    flex-direction: column;    height: 100%;  }    .repeat-x {    flex: 1;    background-size: cover;    background-repeat: no-repeat;    background-position: center center;  }    .bg-1 {    background-image: url(;  }    .bg-2 {    background-image: url(;  }    .bg-3 {    background-image: url(;  }
<div id="newid">    <div class="fullwidth">      <div class="repeat-x bg-1">&nbsp;</div>      <div class="repeat-x bg-2">&nbsp;</div>      <div class="repeat-x bg-3">&nbsp;</div>    </div>  </div>

add height: 100% newid container - allows flexbox inherit height of document.

see demo below:

body,  html {    height: 100%;  }    #newid {    height: 100%;  }    .fullwidth {    display: flex;    flex-direction: column;    height: 100%;  }    .repeat-x {    flex: 1;    background-size: cover;    background-repeat: no-repeat;    background-position: center center;  }    .bg-1 {    background-image: url(;  }    .bg-2 {    background-image: url(;  }    .bg-3 {    background-image: url(;  }
<div id="newid">    <div class="fullwidth">      <div class="repeat-x bg-1">&nbsp;</div>      <div class="repeat-x bg-2">&nbsp;</div>      <div class="repeat-x bg-3">&nbsp;</div>    </div>  </div>


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