Passing PHP Session Value -

i'm attempting pass value 1 wordpress page through php session. have dropdown list on both pages, identical except option values. selected option on 2nd page @ page load reflect chosen value submitted on first page.

i've looked lot of questions haven't been able find need. appreciated!

page 1:

<?php     if(!isset($_session)) {          session_start();          echo $_session['state'];         $var_value = $_session['state'];     }  ?>  <form>     <input type=hidden name="returl" value="page2.php">     <select id="state" name="state">         <option>state 1</option>         <option>state 2</option>         <option>state 3</option>     </select>     <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </form> 

page 2:

<?php     session_start();     if(isset($_post['state'])){         $_session['state'] = $_post['state'];     } ?>  <select>     <option <?php if($var_value == 'state 1') echo 'selected'; ?> value="http://customizedlink">state 1</option>     <option <?php if($var_value == 'state 2') echo 'selected'; ?> value="http://customizedlink">state 2</option>     <option <?php if($var_value == 'state 3') echo 'selected'; ?> value="http://customizedlink">state 3</option> </select> 

wordpress core not use php sessions. wordpress platform totally stateless , provides no support use of sessions outside of cookie keeps user logged in.

wordpress core not use php sessions, required use-case, plugin or theme.

you can use wordpress native php sessions plugin implements php’s native session handlers, backed wordpress database.

see using php session in wordpress


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