tableau - A ratio measured within one dimension shown across another dimension -

for sake of exercise, let's assume i'm monitoring percentage of domestic or foreign auto sales across us.

assume dataset looks like:

stateofsale | origin | sales 'ca' | 'foreign' | 1200 'ca' | 'domestic' | 800 'tx' | 'foreign' | 800 'tx' | 'domestic' | 800 

how show percentage of foreign sales, state of sale, each state line/mark/bar in visual?

so ca, foreign percentage 60%. tx, foreign percentage 50%.

this tableau born do!, , there lot of great ways visualize type of question.

use quick table calculation called "percent of total" , compute percentage according each state. in picture below, "stateoforigin" in columns, , "sum(sale)" in rows, compute using table (down).

you can graph raw sales numbers in addition displaying text percentage gain additional context number of sales between states.

finally, if you've got lot of states, can cool plot out on map. can creating calculated field percentage , filtering out domestic sales.

field name: percentage

sum([sale])/sum({fixed [stateoforigin]: sum([sale])}) 


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