powershell - PSPath for registry `registry:: ` - why double colons? -

in ps when use get-childitem children of registry, use registry:: instead of registry:. other locations give path c:\, d:\ why there : registry?

this not duplicate of question asked regarding static method calls in .net. neither know .net nor complicated programming related question. path notion different registry.

assuming referring pspath, notation both registry provider , location. different notation psdrive.


example filesystem

get-childitem c:\example.txt | select-object -expandproperty pspath  microsoft.powershell.core\filesystem::c:\example.txt 

example registry

get-childitem hklm:\example | select-object -expandproperty pspath  microsoft.powershell.core\registry::hkey_local_machine\example 

note in examples psdrives (c , hklm) have 1 colon. hklm , hkcu builtin psdrives registry locations. can retrieve full list using get-psdrive cmdlet.


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