mvc - It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level when publishing site via FTP -

i have updated development machine. in process of doing so, installed visual studio 2017 enterprise opposed 2017 community, thing has changed in respect of trying do.

i 'now' following error when publishing mvc site via ftp;

it error use section registered allowdefinition='machinetoapplication' beyond application level. error can caused virtual directory not being configured application in iis.

i error means, failing understand why.

the specific section referring is;

  <authentication mode="forms">       <forms loginurl="~/account/login" />     </authentication> 

the website published using same source, same profile, same server. site running configuration identical being published no issues. if publish site local directory , copy file server (in same place) no issues.

i add error during build, not publish.



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