html - Overflow-y scroll content disappears inside of div container? -

i have facing problems div container. want set standard height on container. if content inside of div large scroll bar should show on side. here example of code:

//in section have navigation bar , html included. <section class="settingsbox">     <nav class="xnavigationsetting">         <a href="#" data-id="settingmain">menu</a> |     </nav>     <div id="htmlsetting">         <cfinclude template="includes/hmsettings.html">     </div> </section>  <div id="settingmain" class="settingsbox">       <div id="settingtesting">         <fieldset>             <legend>testing</legend>             <ul>                 <li>                     <span id="location">test location</span>                 </li>                 <li>                     <span id="reason">reason</span>                 </li>                 <li>                     <span id="results">results</span>                 </li>             </ul>         </fieldset>     </div>     <div id="settingequipment">         <fieldset>             <legend>equipment</legend>             <ul>                 <li>                     <span id="type">type</span>                 </li>             </ul>         </fieldset>     </div> </div> <div id="settingtbl">     <div id="containermaster"></div> </div> 

here css:

div.settingsbox {     height: 400px;      overflow-y: scroll; } div.settingsbox fieldset {     font-weight: bold;     border: 2px solid #000099;     margin: 10px; } div.settingsbox ul li span:hover {     text-decoration: underline;     color: red;     cursor: pointer; } div.settingsbox ul {     list-style-image: url('../images/edit.png'); } nav.xnavigationsetting {     width: 100%;     margin-left: 0;     margin-right: 0;     padding-top: 2px;     margin-bottom: 5px;     background-color: #c8e2db;     float: left;     border-bottom: 2px solid #000099;     height: 18px; } nav.xnavigationsetting {     color: black;     text-decoration: none;     cursor: pointer;     font-weight: bold;     padding-left: 5px;     padding-right: 5px; } 

my settingsbox has height of 400px , overflow-y set scroll. reason content disappears when apply css. if knows why or wrong in code structure please let me know. thank you.

you need clear float on div.settingsbox. it's floated outside of viewport.

div.settingsbox {    ...    clear: both;  } 


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