reactjs - React Checkbox Group - Set initial state from API -

i have checkboxgroup component takes in options array prop , generates checkboxinput components. on page load make call api returns array of pre-selected checkboxes (delivered value prop). depending on logged in user, call can return empty array or selection of selected checkbox options.

the following code takes response of api call , sets relevant checkboxes 'checked'. issue have code doesn't allow me make changes checkboxes after page load (clicking checkboxes has no effect).

i think there disconnect between initial selectedcheckboxes state , value of api call read setting props initial state anti-pattern (e.g. selectedcheckboxes: props.value,).

export default class checkboxgroup extends component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = {       selectedcheckboxes: [],     };   }    addcheckboxtoselected = (id) => {     if (this.state.selectedcheckboxes.includes(id)) {       // remove checkbox array , update state       const filteredarray = this.state.selectedcheckboxes.filter(item => item !== id);       this.setstate({ selectedcheckboxes: filteredarray });     } else {       // add checkbox array , update state       this.setstate({ selectedcheckboxes: this.state.selectedcheckboxes.concat(id) });     }   }    checkifselected = (checkboxvalue) => {     const preselectedcheckboxes = this.props.value;     let selectedbool = false;     preselectedcheckboxes.some(function(object) {       if ( === checkboxvalue) {         selectedbool = true;       }       return false;     });     return selectedbool;   }    render() {     const { label, name, options } = this.props;     return (       <div classname="form-group form-inline">         <span classname="checkboxgroup-heading">{label}</span>          <div classname="form-group-container">           { => (             <checkboxinput               key={object.value}               name={name}               label={object.label}               onchange={this.addcheckboxtoselected}               value={object.value}               checked={this.checkifselected(object.value)}             />           ))}         </div>       </div>     );   } } 

this stateless checkboxinput component

const checkboxinput = ({ name, label, onchange, value, checked }) => {   return (     <div classname="field form-group filter-input">       <input         type="checkbox"         id={value}         name={name}         value={value}         onchange={() => onchange(value)}         checked={checked}       />       <label htmlfor={value} classname="form-control">{label}</label>     </div>   ); }; 

check following code snippet. might help. let me know if have questions.

const checkboxfield = ({checked, onchange}) => {    return (      <input type="checkbox" checked={checked} onchange={ev => onchange(} />    );  };    class app extends react.component {    constructor() {      super();            this.state = {        options: [{id: "1", checked: true}, {id: "2", checked: false}]      };    }        handlecheckboxchange(checked, option) {      const {options} = this.state;            var coptions = [...options];      for(var in coptions) {        if(coptions[i].id == {          coptions[i].checked = checked;        }      }      this.setstate({        options: coptions      }, () => console.log(options));    }      render() {      const {options} = this.state;          return (        <div>          {   => {              return (                <checkboxfield key={} checked={option.checked} onchange={value => this.handlecheckboxchange(value, option)} />              )            })          }        </div>      );    }  }    reactdom.render(<app />, document.getelementbyid("root"));
<div id="root"></div>    <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>


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