php - Apache - Website timeout after random time ( Fore to restart Apache ) -

hello stackoverflow community,

i have big problem apache server.

( use google translate message )

for reason not know yet, randomly, apache2 server starts stop responding (error 500).

i noticed when problem occurs, in file "error.log", find line:

[mon aug 14 18:42:39.917495 2017] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 23163] ah00161: server reached maxrequestworkers setting, consider raising maxrequestworkers setting 

after that, had asked change value "maxrequestworkers", did not change anything, problem still there.

i noticed generally, when problem occurs, following strong request sucks apache server (especially last, raw force attack), these log (access.log):

in file "error.log", recorded many of these errors:

[mon aug 14 18:28:58.366861 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22399 still did not exit, sending sigterm [mon aug 14 18:28:58.366873 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22401 still did not exit, sending sigterm [mon aug 14 18:28:58.366883 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22402 still did not exit, sending sigterm [mon aug 14 18:28:58.366890 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22425 still did not exit, sending sigterm [mon aug 14 18:28:58.366898 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22428 still did not exit, sending sigterm [mon aug 14 18:28:58.366910 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22451 still did not exit, sending sigterm [mon aug 14 18:28:58.366923 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22456 still did not exit, sending sigterm [mon aug 14 18:28:58.366965 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22460 still did not exit, sending sigterm [mon aug 14 18:28:58.366981 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22466 still did not exit, sending sigterm [mon aug 14 18:28:58.366990 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22468 still did not exit, sending sigterm [mon aug 14 18:28:58.366997 2017] [core:warn] [pid 20916] ah00045: child process 22469 still did not exit, sending sigterm 

i have spent lot of time looking solution, , far have not found it, that's why i'm heading forum ^^

my actualy "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mpm_prefork.conf" file :

<ifmodule mpm_prefork_module>         serverlimit              500         startservers             10         minspareservers          10         maxspareservers          400         maxrequestworkers        256         maxconnectionsperchild   0         keepalive                off </ifmodule> 

other information :

  • os : ubuntu 16.04.3 lts
  • apache : apache/2.4.18 (ubuntu)
  • php : zend engine v3.0.0, copyright (c) 1998-2017

thank in advance !

the maxrequestworkers directive sets limit on number of simultaneous requests served. connection attempts on maxrequestworkers limit queued, number based on listenbacklog directive. once child process freed @ end of different request, connection serviced.

maxrequestworkers translates maximum number of child processes launched serve requests. default value 256; increase it, you must raise serverlimit.


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