postgresql - Converting a returned SETOF into An Array in PL/PgSQL (specifically) -

i know there process of select array_agg(f) (select blah stuff) f, great in sql, when writing functions in pl/pgsql, there shorthand method??

i'm trying put json keys array can use @ length. like...

v_len := array_length( array_agg(json_object_keys(myjson)), 1);

instead of long, declare variable, select array_agg(f) ..., i've been doing. i've seem hundreds of implementations using same sql string, want cut down code, fingers going numb redundant typing.

what missing shorthand method?

you can use array(subselect) constructor

do $$ declare int[]; begin   := array(select * generate_series(1,10));   raise notice 'result: %', a; end; $$; 


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