php - Print html-tag as description in the WordPress Customizer With a Radio Button -

trying make 1 more option in customizer (wordpress admin part).

// section $wp_customize->add_section( 'ct_author_fonts', array(     'title'       => __( 'fonts', 'author' ),     'priority'    => 25,     'description' => __( 'use custom fonts instead of default', 'author' ) ) );  // setting $wp_customize->add_setting( 'select_font', array(     'default'      => 'default', ) );  // control $wp_customize->add_control( 'font_options', array(     'label'       => __( 'fonts', 'author' ),     'section'     => 'ct_author_fonts',     'settings'    => 'select_font',     'type'        => 'radio',     'description' => __( 'list of available fonts', 'author' ),     'choices'     => array(         'default' => __( 'default (times new roman)', 'author' ),         'poiret_one'   => sprintf( __( '%s (<a href="%s" target="_blank">learn more</a>)', 'author' ), 'poiret one', '' ),         'messiri'     => sprintf( __( '%s (<a href="%s" target="_blank">learn more</a>)', 'author' ), 'el messiri', '' ),     ) ) ); 

enter image description here

description in radio-button looks text, not html.

how can print html-tags near radio-button?


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