How to login with an element in CakePHP? -

currently have functional login procedure. users go specific login view, type username , password, access , redirected specific dashboard.

in users controller:

public function login() {      if ($this->request->is('post')) {         if ($this->auth->login()) {             return $this->redirect();         }         $this->session->setflash('incorrect user or password.');     } } 

the login view:

<h1>access username:</h1> <?php     echo $this->form->create('user', array('action' => 'login'));         echo $this->form->input('username', array('label' => 'user:'));         echo $this->form->input('password', array('label' => 'password:'));     echo $this->form->end('login'); ?> 

the issue came when asked add login fields directly in main menu. tried adding them element in header. didn't work.

the element i'm adding in header:

<div>     <?php         echo $this->form->create('user', array('action' => 'login'));         echo $this->form->input('username', array('placeholder' => 'user', 'label' => false));         echo $this->form->input('password', array('placeholder' => 'password', 'label' => false));         echo $this->form->submit('ingresar', array('div' => true));         echo $this->form->end();     ?> </div> 

i enter username , password , click "login" button. throws me "incorrect user or password." error message , redirects me view login action (without login in user).

in there, 1 can login without further issue, point reduce 1 needed clicks action.

what missing? should change/add/move?

in second html form, model user not typed should be


echo $this->form->create('user', array('action' => 'login')); 


echo $this->form->create('user', array('action' => 'login')); 

note u changed u model name


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