excel - Split comma separated entries to new rows -

i have data in sheet

col   col b 1       angry birds, gaming 2       nirvana,rock,band 

what want split comma separated entries in second column , insert in new rows below:

col   col b 1   angry birds 1   gaming 2   nirvana 2   rock 2   band 

i sure can done vba couldn't figure out myself.

you better off using variant arrays rather cell loops - quicker code wise once data sets meaningful. thoug code longer :)

this sample below dumps column c , d can see orginal data. change [c1].resize(lngcnt, 2).value2 = application.transpose(y) [a1].resize(lngcnt, 2).value2 = application.transpose(y) dump on original data

[updated regexp remove blanks after , ie ", band" becomes "band"]

sub slicendice()  dim objregex object  dim x  dim y  dim lngrow long  dim lngcnt long  dim temparr() string  dim strarr  set objregex = createobject("vbscript.regexp")  objregex.pattern = "^\s+(.+?)$"   'define range analysed x = range([a1], cells(rows.count, "b").end(xlup)).value2  redim y(1 2, 1 1000)  lngrow = 1 ubound(x, 1)       'split each string ","     temparr = split(x(lngrow, 2), ",")      each strarr in temparr          lngcnt = lngcnt + 1           'add 1000 records resorted array every 1000 records         if lngcnt mod 1000 = 0 redim preserve y(1 2, 1 lngcnt + 1000)          y(1, lngcnt) = x(lngrow, 1)          y(2, lngcnt) = objregex.replace(strarr, "$1")      next  next lngrow   'dump re-ordered range columns c:d [c1].resize(lngcnt, 2).value2 = application.transpose(y)  end sub  

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