sql - drillthrough on text (not cell) -

just want know if possible, before drive myself insane in google-searches.

i know how drillthrough rapport when user clicks on cell. if cell has multiple values, e.g. server-names (comma-seperated), , want pass servername user clicked?

as see can pass values of whole cell or what?

using reporting services 2012 r2 report builder 3.0.


i don't think can directly but...

you create subreport accepts comma separated list of servers it's parameter. subreport split these separate cells , have action on cell take drill through report. done similar in past , it's work quite nicely. need make subreport nice , small it'll fit in existing cell.

it wanted keep them on single line subreport have matrix column group grouped servername. won't compact comma separated list columns have wide enough fit longest name works.

if need more i'll provide more more detailed solution going.


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