ios - How to detect when UIWebView starts loading when Webview is inside a Collection View cell? -

i loading collection view of cells containing uiwebviews. there's time gap between when uicollectionview's activity indicator stops spinning , uiwebview loads. trying reference when loading starts (and when stops) in order add activity indicator ui. i'm not sure how here though since uiwebview in collectionviewcell , not collectionview, in other words can't use delegate methods , set myself delegate in collectionviews vdl? collectionviewcell code:

 import uikit import webkit  class searchcollectionviewcell: uicollectionviewcell {       @iboutlet weak var webview: uiwebview!      @iboutlet weak var spinner: uiactivityindicatorview!      func webviewdidstartload(_ webview: uiwebview) {         print("we're loading")     }   } 

you need implement uiwebviewdelegate in cell , set cell delegate in method webviewdidstartload notified

import uikit import webkit  class searchcollectionviewcell: uicollectionviewcell {       @iboutlet weak var webview: uiwebview!      @iboutlet weak var spinner: uiactivityindicatorview!      override func awakefromnib() {         super.awakefromnib()         self.webview.delegate = self         // initialization code     }  }  extension searchcollectionviewcell : uiwebviewdelegate {     public func webviewdidstartload(_ webview: uiwebview) {         debugprint("start loading")     } } 

hope helps


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