python - Output error is 0x03BB7390 -

def fastmaxval(w, v, i, aw):     global numcalls     numcalls += 1     try: return m[(i, aw)]     except keyerror:         if == 0:             if w[i] <= aw:                 m[(i, aw)] = v[i]                 return v[i]             else:                 m[(i, aw)] = 0                 return 0         without_i = fastmaxval(w, v, i-1, aw)         if w[i] > aw:             m[(i, aw)] = without_i             return without_i         else:             with_i = v[i] + fastmaxval(w, v, i-1, aw - w[i])         res = max(with_i, without_i)         m[(i, aw)] = res         return res  def maxval0(w, v, i, aw):     m = {}     return fastmaxval  weights = [1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 3, 4, 4] vals = [15, 15, 10, 10, 9, 9, 5, 5] numcalls = 0 res = maxval0(weights, vals, len(vals) - 1, 8) print ('max val =', res, 'number of calls =', numcalls) 

the program 01knapsack problem. use decision tree solve problem. however, ran program , got following result.

max val = function fastmaxval @ 0x03bb7390 number of calls = 0

what's wrong program?

in maxval0 function you're returning fastmaxval function itself, instead of call result.

i think should this:

def maxval0(w, v, i, aw):     m = {}     return fastmaxval(w, v, i, aw) 

also, fastmaxval using m, isn't in scope.


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