python - Tensorflow: Where is gen_logging_ops source code? -

i have question import from
tensorflow/tensorflow/python/summary/ line 53:

from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_logging_ops _gen_logging_ops

when go directory tensorflow/python/ops, there no such file called gen_logging_ops.

i wondering how worked out? btw, tracking r1.3 version.

any suggestion highly appreciated!

i had similar question. gen_ files files generated @ build time bazel , if build tensorflow yourself, can found in bazel-genfiles/ directory.

the tf_op_gen_wrapper_py bazel rule rule generating gen_ files. explained, in answer, rule generates python wrapper of ops defined in library:

py_library(     name = "logging_ops",     srcs = ["ops/"],     srcs_version = "py2and3",     deps = [         ":framework_for_generated_wrappers",         ":logging_ops_gen",         ":util",     ], ) 

in logging_ops case there indirection: call tf_op_gen_wrapper_py hidden in tf_gen_op_wrapper_private_py:

 tf_gen_op_wrapper_private_py(     name = "logging_ops_gen",     visibility = [         "//learning/brain/python/ops:__pkg__",         "//tensorflow/python/kernel_tests:__pkg__",     ], ) 


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