Unknown location of SyntaxError: 'Unexpected end of input' Javascript -

in past week, i've trying debug calendar-view widget , i've come across error has left me scratching head few days now.

here's gist of problem:

every time click clickable object in view, browser's console give's me error:

uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected end of input vm131:1

picture of console's output:

picture of console's output

when click on location browser list source of error (the vm###:1), redirected file contents 'void' on first line.

what source of error?


i neglected add link somewhere error seen here's link site tries utilize calendar widget:


it's coming lines these:

<a href="javascript:void">month</a> 


<a href="javascript:void">week</a> 

void not complete javascript statement. void operator, has required operand. correct should be:

<a href="javascript:void 0">month</a> 


<a href="javascript:void 0">week</a> 

see what "javascript:void(0)" mean?


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