ruby - Accessing another model from an .each loop in Rails -

i trying create restaurant manager app has users, orders, , meals. user has many orders, order has many meals. want table lists orders user meals' names , prices. have 3 models: user, order, , meal. while it's not problem access order_id loop:

- @userorders.each |order|     %tr       %td= 

when try access meal's name

- @userorders.each |order|     %tr       %td=       %td= 

here's get:

table what's supposes meals' names

in ruby console, when type user.orders[1].meals, get:

console output

this orders_controller.rb

  def index     user_id =     @userorders = order.where(:user_id => user_id)       end 

below order.rb:

class order < applicationrecord   belongs_to :user   has_many :meals end 


class user < applicationrecord   # include default devise modules. others available are:   # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable , :omniauthable   devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,          :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable   has_many :orders end 

and meal.rb:

class meal < applicationrecord   belongs_to :order end 

order has many meals. many meals can't have 1 name them all. that's you're trying each meal has own name. iterate meals too. this:

- orders.each |order|   - order.meals.each |meal|     = 


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