shell - How to extract string between two regexes passed as variables to awk? -

i'm trying extract text in passage between 2 strings being saved in variables. wrong following way?


module dft ( a, b, c, clk, z, test_si, test_se );  input [7:0] a;  dft_dw_mult_uns_1 mult_31 ( .a(a), .b(b), .product(reg0) );  endmodule 


input [7:0] a;  dft_dw_mult_uns_1 mult_31 ( .a(a), .b(b), .product(reg0) ); 

using following code:

try="module dft";  awk '/$try/{flag=1; next} /endmodule/{flag=0} flag' dft_syn.v 

but doesn't recognize $try variable.

you can use awk this:

sm="module dft" em="endmodule"  awk -v sm="$sm" -v em="$em" '$0 ~ em{p=0} p; $0 ~ sm{p=1}' file 

...which property emits output:

input [7:0] a;  dft_dw_mult_uns_1 mult_31 ( .a(a), .b(b), .product(reg0) ); 
  • use -v var="value" pass command line variables shell awk
  • set , reset variable p when encounter start or end tags


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