bash - Which shebang line should I use? -

there scripts in project run fine without first line (like #!/bin/) – without interpreter path.

so these scripts running fine, in cases fail, when run – execute fine.

i need modify , put shell interpreter first line.

the problem here scripts fail when use #!/bin/ksh while others fail when use #!/bin/bash.

can tell me when use option?

how can make sure work fine, other way generalize , make interpreter common scripts?

each script written in programming language - bash, ksh, zsh, python, perl .... can't instance write python program , hope perl can run it. similarily, ksh program needs executed ksh, bash program bash.

now, since bash, ksh, zsh , posix shell do have common subset, possible execute of these command processors. if - , if! - sure applies these scripts, propose use posix shell, because restrictive one.

but if people designate script bash, or ksh, or else, maintainer of script might sooner or later use features particular 1 of shell languages. of course require programming in, say, ksh, political question, not technical one.


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