Updating template data extjs -

i making window panel holds tpl config , have passed config named recordref window component following, wish update tpl config data in recordref.

rowdblclick: function(view, record,element,rowindex,e,eopts){     var me = this;     ext.create('mywindow',{             recordref: record     }); } 

my window looks this

ext.define('mywindow',{     extend: 'ext.window.window',     alias: 'widget.details',     controller: 'details',     ghost: false,     constrain: true,     title: 'details',     modal: true,     resizable: false,     autoscroll: true,     items: [         {             xtype: 'panel',             reference: 'infopanel',             items: [                 {                     xtype: 'panel',                     tpl: ['<p>name: {name}</p>',                           '<p>age: {age}</p>'],                     listeners: {                         render: 'updatetpl'                     }                 },                 ... other items ...             ]         }     ] }); 

and function updatetpl in window's controller looks like

updatetpl: function(panel, eopts){     var me = this;     var view = me.getview();     var record = view.recordref;     panel.update(record); } 

this code leads error

app.js?_dc=1502746390069:102863 uncaught typeerror: cannot set property 'innerhtml' of null @ constructor.overwrite (app.js?_dc=1502746390069:102863) @ constructor.overwrite (app.js?_dc=1502746390069:51335) @ constructor.update (app.js?_dc=1502746390069:65016) @ constructor.updatetpl (app.js?_dc=1502746390069:180214) @ constructor.fire (app.js?_dc=1502746390069:18721) @ constructor.dofireevent (app.js?_dc=1502746390069:19625) @ constructor.dofireevent (app.js?_dc=1502746390069:62695) @ constructor.prototype.dofireevent (app.js?_dc=1502746390069:52784) @ constructor.fireeventargs (app.js?_dc=1502746390069:19478) @ constructor.fireevent (app.js?_dc=1502746390069:19437) 

what doing wrong here?

pass data object panels update function.


the update function expects htmlordata first parameter. well:

panel.update({         name: record.get('name'),         age: record.get('age')     }) 


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