twilio - Returning Twiml through c# -

trying out basic in twilio & c#. new twilio & not strong mvc

public class incomingcallcontroller : twiliocontroller     {         // get: incomingcall         [httpget]         public actionresult index()         {             var response = new voiceresponse();             var dial = new dial();             response.contenttype = "text/xml";             response.say("please wait...transferring call");             dial.number("+919812345678");             return twiml(response);             }     } 

i need above code snippet return static twiml equivalent have put in twiml bin.

i have configured phone number webhook url

why getting

11210-http bad host name


i understand doing wrong here. have tried using both post , request.

can has knowledge of point me in right direction?

where going wrong?

any appreciated.

some issues created programmers in tearing hurry....this issue created yours truly..

thanks phil's interaction able find out...


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