java - How can I handle false as null for any primitive or boxed numerical bean property in Jackson? -

i've been struggling issue. endpoint receives lot of broken api calls php application there false booleans set numerical fields.

how can attach custom deserializer objectmapper convert false values null or 0 depending upon type of corresponding numerical property in bean?

here's json:

{       "name": "my name",     "image_url": null,     "price": false     "list_price": false; } 

here's example of bean:

public class item {      public string name;     public string imageurl;     public double price;     public double listprice; } 

i've custom deserializer along lines of means explicitly need attach every field:

public class falseasnulldeserializer extends jsondeserializer<object> implements contextualdeserializer {      private final class targettype;      private falseasnulldeserializer() {         this.targettype = null;         // required jackson     }      public falseasnulldeserializer(class<?> targettype) {         this.targettype = targettype;     }      @override     public object deserialize(jsonparser parser, deserializationcontext ctxt) throws ioexception {         jsonnode node = parser.readvalueastree();         if (!node.isobject() && !node.asboolean()) {             return null;         } else {             return jsonutils.getmapper().treetovalue(node, targettype);         }     }      @override     public jsondeserializer<?> createcontextual(deserializationcontext context, beanproperty property)             throws jsonmappingexception {         return new falseasnulldeserializer(property.gettype().getrawclass());     } } 


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