ios - how can i set a View in navigation bar -

i'm building chatting application, when user logged in want present custom view contains name , profile picture made custom view put image , label constraints , set view title view in navigation controller didn't appear

custom view called navbarview: contains image , label

viewcontroller :

let nav = navigationcontroller!   let navheight = nav.navigationbar.frame.size.height   let navwidth = nav.navigationbar.frame.size.width        let view = navbarview ()         let bannerx = navwidth/2          let bannery = 0            view.frame = cgrect(x: bannerx  , y: 0, width:150, height: navheight)        view.label.text = "testing"        view.label.image = uiimage(named: "dragon")            nav.navigationbar.topitem?.titleview = view 

please hide navigation bar view appear write code.

self.navigationcontroller?.setnavigationbarhidden(true, animated: true) 

and show navigation bar view disappear write code

self.navigationcontroller?.setnavigationbarhidden(true, animated: true) 

and please set view in storyboard or xib want display.


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