postgresql - Select count while count is greater than a specific number in postgres sql -

i want last month records table. have tried:

select count(*) numberofrows table created_at >  current_date - interval '1 months' 

it's ok, want add conditions:

if numberofrows >= 10, nothing (numberofrows can 20, 30, ...)

else if numberofrows < 10, select table until numberofrows = 10 (last 2 months, 3 months, etc...).

how can that? in advances!

with curr_month_cnt (     select count(*) cnt     your_table     created_at > current_date - interval '1 months' )  select * your_table created_at > current_date - interval '1 months' union select t.* (     select *     your_table             created_at <= current_date - interval '1 months' ,         (select cnt curr_month_cnt) < 10     order created_at desc     limit         greatest(0, 10 - (select cnt curr_month_cnt)) ) t 

this return maximum of 10 records, starting recent month , going backwards. in event latest month have not 10 records, 2 , 3 months old data returned, in order.


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