java - I am not getting updated values for strings, Values are being assigned in onResponce() method of Retrofit? -

//code button sets , gets values of strings declared in class level private string hostapptslots1, hapstrtt1,haptavgt1;

getprofdetails(profname);     toast.maketext(fix_appointment.this,gethapstrtt1()+gethostapptslots1()+gethaptavg1(), toast.length_short).show(); 

//code getprofdetails apiservice.profdetails using thread #main_thread

    public void getprofdetails(string pusrname){              apiservice.profdetails(pusrname).enqueue(new callback<jsonarray>() {             @override          public void onresponse(call<jsonarray> call, response<jsonarray> response)      {                  try {                     jsonarray jsonarray= new jsonarray(response.body().tostring());                     jsonobject  jsonobject2 = jsonarray.getjsonobject(0);                     //getting values jsonarray                     hostapptstarttime=jsonobject2.getstring("hp_starttime");                      hostapptavgtime=jsonobject2.getstring("hp_avgtime");                     hostapptslots=jsonobject2.getstring("hp_slots");                      //setter method used strings                     sethostapptslots1( hostapptslots);                     sethapstrtt1(hostapptstarttime);                     sethaptavgt1(hostapptavgtime); //values being set correctly have checked        } catch (jsonexception e) {                     e.printstacktrace();                 }              }              @override             public void onfailure(call<jsonarray> call, throwable throwable) {              }         }); 


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