Displaying table data through plsql procedure -

i trying display table info through plsql code when executes procedure show procedure successful. not output.please help.

create or replace procedure carinfo  v_serial                car.serial%type; v_cid                   car.cid%type; v_make                  car.make%type ; v_model                 car.model%type; v_cyear                 car.cyear%type; v_color                 car.color%type; v_trim                  car.trim%type; v_enginetype            car.enginetype%type; v_purchinv              car.purchinv%type; v_purchdate             car.purchdate%type; v_purchfrom             car.purchfrom%type; v_purchcost             car.purchcost%type; v_freightcost           car.freightcost%type; v_totalcost             car.totalcost%type; v_listprice             car.listprice%type;  begin  select  serial, cid, make, model, cyear, color, trim, enginetype, purchinv, purchdate, purchfrom , purchcost, freightcost,          totalcost, listprice      v_serial, v_cid, v_make, v_model, v_cyear, v_color, v_trim, v_enginetype, v_purchinv, v_purchdate, v_purchfrom , v_purchcost, v_freightcost,          v_totalcost, v_listprice      car     cid null;  exception  when no_data_found     dbms_output.put_line('no data found')  ;  dbms_output.put_line(v_serial||' ' || v_cid||' ' ||v_make||' ' ||v_model||' ' ||v_cyear||' ' ||v_color||' ' ||v_trim||' ' ||v_enginetype||' ' ||v_purchinv||' ' ||v_purchdate||' ' ||v_purchfrom ||' ' ||v_purchcost||' ' ||v_freightcost||' ' ||         v_totalcost||' ' ||v_listprice); end; 

in brief, write procedure following way:

create or replace procedure carinfo l_result_clob clob;  begin    select serial   ||' ' || cid      ||' ' ||make      ||' ' ||model      ||' ' ||cyear||' ' ||          color    ||' ' ||trim      ||' ' ||enginetype||' ' ||purchinv   ||' ' ||          purchdate||' ' ||purchfrom ||' ' ||purchcost ||' ' ||freightcost||' ' ||totalcost||' ' ||listprice     l_result_clob      car    cid null;    dbms_output.put_line(l_result_clob);  exception  when no_data_found     dbms_output.put_line('no data found')  ;  when others     dbms_output.put_line('sqlcode: ' || sqlcode)  ;  end carinfo; 

that of course, if columns in select statement convertible character/clob, oracle implicitly convert them, in order concatenation happen.



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