sql server - Sync identity columns between test and prod -

we have table holds enumeration values , application parameters values in our app database. these records use identity columns primary keys. have dev, test , prod databases. need sync primary keys between test , prod databases every time release update.

what want ask is, preferred method of syncing identity columns? 1 option thought of remove identity property primary key column , manually create ids same on dev , prod.

what thoughts?

you need have reason add identity property pk. apparently identity automates way pk generated , allows forget code max(id)+1. if doesn't make sense in case (as far understand values pre-defined , codebase expects concrete values) removing identity column should solution.

also practise add consitency checks in datascripts , let them fail or notify if there conflicts. non-identity approach like:

if exists (select 1 enum_table id = @idtoinsert)     --notify there conflict      -- else insert @idtoinsert 

in 1 of projects find out weekly refresh between test , prod databases suites best us, consider investigating variant too.


  • you have fresh/consistent data/schema reproduce prod issues
  • no need remove identity column lookup tables (in case makes sense - enum values can appear not via manual scripts)


  • may not sufficient when many teams working on same test env, feel depends on how process organised

hope helps


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