How to create namespace in Aerospike DB from php client -

how can 1 declare namespace in aerospike db default php client? have gone through documentation @ cannot find useful.

although can find following code @

namespace <namespace-name> {     # memory-size 4g           # 4gb of memory used index , data     # replication-factor 2     # multiple nodes, keep 2 copies of data     # high-water-memory-pct 60 # evict non-zero ttl data if capacity exceeds                                # 60% of 4gb     # stop-writes-pct 90       # stop writes if capacity exceeds 90% of 4gb     # default-ttl 0            # writes client not provide ttl                                # default 0 or never expire     # storage-engine memory    # store data in memory } 

but how do php ?

what quote above configuration file syntax , namespace stanza (entry) in configuration file. ( /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf default. )

the way create namespace editing aerospike configuration file , restarting server. namespace defines how store data (memory or ssds or files or mem+persistent) , identifies replication factor other default policies. of these namespace params have identical across nodes, such replication factor --its distributed database! changes namespaces (prior ver 3.13) require cluster wide restart.

starting ver 3.14, can rolling update namespaces, node node , don't have shut entire cluster down modify namespace.


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