function for converting DMS format to Decimal in Microsoft Excel Visual Basic -

i have problems using visual basic in ms. excel. have sort of coordinates data in dms format (longitude , latitude) it's not in usual format. data seems this:

 e 103 29 12.4562   w 3 9 1.4562   n 16 5 32.4333   s 16 5 2.4333 

i want convert standard decimal format. however, i've never used visual basic before. convention e, n , w, s 1 , -1, respectively. expecting output data list

 103.4867934  -3.1504045  16.09234258  -16.08400925 

i hope can make visual basic code convert data because have lots of data , can't convert manually.


instead of vba can use formula:

=--(index({"+","+","-","-"},match(left(a1,1),{"e","n","w","s"},0))&mid(a1,3,find(" ",mid(a1,3,len(a1))))+mid(a1,find("}}}",substitute(a1," ","}}}",2))+1,2)/60+mid(a1,find("}}}",substitute(a1," ","}}}",3))+1,99)/3600) 

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