python 2.7 - defining __call__ on a class as the constructor -

i'm trying use __call__ in way i'm not sure impacts.

i working base code data uses import return arbitrary item module this:

try:     mod = __import__(mod_name, globals(), locals(), [object_name]) finally:     sys.path.remove(search_folder)  # object_name global variable in module return getattr(mod, object_name) 

currently, each module define class , function. function in question create new instance of same class defined in module, passing given parameters class constructor.

to attempt avoid copy/paste function, changing call class, defined superclass call method, , inside method call same class constructor, this:

class foobar(object):     def __init__(self, one, two): = 1         self.two = 2     def __call__(cls, one, two):         return cls(one, two) 

it seems working on tests cases, i'm not sure impacts of using such design. should add have restriction of not changing current base code (i tried first @staticmethod didn't work).

on other hand, don't have requirement define modules (class __call__ method), main objective apply dry. i'm not familiar python meta programming, maybe more elegant solution?


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