vba - Need to click on Navigation bar to logout the session -

need click on navigation bar logout session. please see html tag:

    <nav class="account">     <h3 tabindex="0"><span>account options</span></h3>      <ul>      <li><a href="account/details">account details</a></li>      <li><a href="changepassword">change password</a></li>     <li>     <a href="logout">logout</a></li>     </ul>     </nav> 

following code , not clicking navigation bar:

    dim objie internetexplorermedium     set objie = new internetexplorermedium     objie.visible = true     objie.navigate "https://staging-site.com/"     while objie.busy or objie.readystate <> readystate_complete: doevents:                 wend     objie.document.getelementsbyclassname("account").click     = 0     while < accountoptions.length     if accountoptions(i).class = "account"     accountoptions(i).click     exit     end if     = + 1     loop     set logout = objie.document.getelementsbytagname("a")     = 0     while < accountoptions.length     if accountoptions(i).innertext = "logout"     accountoptions(i).click     exit     end if     = + 1     loop 


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