xml - Xpath OR over text node -

i catch text inside td tag want text not inside tag <strong> or <b>.

for instance case using b tag

<td class="">     <b>in care of name</b>      text want catch </td> 

for case can retrieve text using xpath expression

//td[starts-with(., "in care of name")]//text()[not(ancestor::b)] 

and got expected result:

text want catch

or case using strong

<td class="">         <strong>in care of name</strong>          text want catch </td> 

for case can retrieve text using xpath expression

//td[starts-with(., "in care of name")]//text()[not(parent::strong)] 

i try join 2 xpath on 1 using following expression :

//td[starts-with(., "in care of name")]//text()[not(parent::strong) or not(ancestor::b)] 

and got

in care of name
text want catch

in fact got 2 elements of text , not expected.

any idea wrong. need change way solve this?

thanks in advance.

this xpath,

//td[starts-with(., "in care of name")]/text() 

will return immediate text node children of td string value starts in care of name:

text want catch 

for both of xml variations involving b , strong children of td.

see testing text() nodes vs string values in xpath further details on differences between text nodes , string values in xpath.


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