pandas - Kernel dead running a simple average operation using Python -

i running simple average operation on 3 columns. transforming monthly data quarterly average. data looks this:

2000.1 2000.2 2000.3.... 18     15     27   

i want transform

2000.q1  20 

here have far:

def convert_housing_data_to_quarters(): '''converts housing data quarters , returns mean values in dataframe. dataframe should dataframe columns 2000q1 through 2016q3, , should have multi-index in shape of ["state","regionname"].

note: quarters defined in assignment description, not arbitrary 3 month periods. resulting dataframe should have 67 columns, , 10,730 rows. ''' # read in zillow housing data  zillow_df = pd.read_csv('city_zhvi_allhomes.csv') print(zillow_df.iloc[1,1]) print(len(zillow_df)) # slice 2000q1 2016q3 print(zillow_df.columns) print(zillow_df.columns[6:51]) zillow_df.drop(zillow_df.columns[6:51],axis=1,inplace=true) # generate quarterly average  y = 2000 q = 1 in range(67):     y_q = str(y)+'q'+str(q)     #print(y_q)     print(zillow_df.columns[6+(i)*3])     print(zillow_df[zillow_df.columns[6+(i)*3]])     zillow_df[y_q]=(zillow_df[zillow_df.columns[6+(i)*3]]+zillow_df[zillow_df.columns[6+1+(i)*3]]+zillow_df[zillow_df.columns[6+2+(i)*3]])/3     q=q+1     if q==5:         q=1         y=y+1   return zillow_df.head() 

i think code correct every time run in ipython notebook. says kernel dead. not sure why.

i think need convert columns names to_datetime , month period to_period first.

then resample quarters , aggregate mean (axis=1 aggregate columns names).

last convert columns strftime strings format:

df.columns = pd.to_datetime(df.columns, format='%y.%m').to_period('m') print (df)    2000-01  2000-02  2000-03 0       18       15       27  df = df.resample('q', axis=1).mean() df.columns = df.columns.strftime('%y.q%q') print (df)    2000.q1 0       20 


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