emacs - slime-inspector-eval: how to get bindings in the inspector? -

long story: motivation

i have cl code breaks on sort or mapcar error number (let's say, 25) not list. tells me wrong data structure pass them. so, put (break) in code before place error occurs. looks this:

(sort  (progn   (break)   (mapcar (lambda (pair)             (list (car pair) (cdr pair)))           (hash-table-plist (state-removed state)))  #'<  :key #'car) 

(to give bit more context, idea here transform hash table (state-removed state) list of pairs sorted key, error instead of hash-table-plist should use hash-table-alist)

once code hits (break) sends me debugger. @ stage step through code, decided inspect state. unfortunately, state obtained with-slots-macro object slot in object, , whole function generated sketch macro sketch library... long story short, (state-removed state) need go through layers of slot accesses in inspector.

tl;dr: actual question

and here problem: want call hash-table-plist either on object i'm inspecting or on slot of object. how can access either of them (just comparison, in smalltalk debugger have access self pseudo-variable stuff out)? there slime-inspector-eval, how pass things don't have explicit local bindings? documentation on slime-inspector-eval doesn't much.

ok, bit more googling answered question. hope of use others.

thanks this blogpost: object under inspection bound *. also, m-ret in inspector (slime-inspector-copy-down) stores object under point in * can used in repl.


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