ruby on rails - Twilio Child Call Status incorrect? -

i'm experimenting twilio , i'm confused bit ultimate status of calls.

here's i'm doing. i'm making call twilio phone number hooked application endpoint. app makes database record of call , uses twiml make secondary call out phone. after call complete, call record updated data retrieved twilio secondary call record created call in account parent_call_sid original call's sid.

my issue is, if call twilio number let twiml dial timeout, child call status ends being 'completed' instead of 'no-answer'.

my question why happening? need configure how dial out differently in order receive appropriate status calls?

update: has been resolved. issue voicemail picking before twilio's default timeout of 30 seconds ended call, resulting in 'completed' status. reducing timeout twilio able end call 'no-answer' before voice mail picked up.


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