Excel macro: Code for combining data from specific worksheets and refresh? -

i have workbook has 20 sheets. 11 of sheets data-based have external connections update , add lines of data entries added , workbook refreshed. other worksheets sheets tables , charts. trying use vba combine data 11 data-based sheets 1 sheet , have combined sheet refresh , update more entries added individual 11 sheets.

i have code combines specific 11 sheets, however, need on refresh part. tried adding button re-run code, deletes , re-adds combined sheet, messes references in formulas. i'm hoping able re-write of code combined sheet doesn't deleted , new 1 doesn't have added, , data can updated combined sheet without screwing references.


here code have far...

sub copyrangefrommultiworksheets()     dim sh worksheet     dim destsh worksheet     dim last long     dim copyrng range  application     .screenupdating = false     .enableevents = false end  'delete sheet "combinedreport" if exist application.displayalerts = false on error resume next activeworkbook.worksheets("combinedreport").cells.clearcontents on error goto 0 application.displayalerts = true  'add worksheet name "combinedreport" set destsh = activeworkbook.worksheets.add destsh.name = "combinedreport"  'loop through worksheets , copy data destsh each sh in activeworkbook.sheets(array("ucdp", "ucd", "uldd", "pe-wl", "emorttri", "emort", "earlycheck", "du", "do", "cdds", "cfds"))          last = destsh.cells.specialcells(xlcelltypelastcell).row          'fill in range want copy         set copyrng = sh.usedrange         set copyrng = copyrng.offset(1, 0).resize(copyrng.rows.count - 1, copyrng.columns.count)          'test if there enough rows in destsh copy data         if last + copyrng.rows.count > destsh.rows.count             msgbox "there not enough rows in destsh"             goto exitthesub         end if          'this example copies values/formats, if want copy         'values or want copy @ example below macro         copyrng.copy         destsh.cells(last + 1, "a")             .pastespecial xlpastevalues             .pastespecial xlpasteformats             application.cutcopymode = false         end  next exitthesub:  application.goto destsh.cells(1)  'autofit column width in destsh sheet destsh.columns.autofit  application     .screenupdating = true     .enableevents = true end end sub 


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