vba - How to filter 4 numbers in column -

i know how filter 2 numbers less 25 , greater 50 , on, i'm wondering how filter 4 numbers between 250 , 290 or if between 70 , 110.

the codes have tried far

activesheet.range("$f$4:$ak$18").autofilter field:=26, _     criteria1:=">=70", operator:=xland, criteria2:="<=110"  activesheet.range("$f$4:$ak$18").autofilter field:=26, _     criteria1:=">=250", operator:=xland, criteria2:="<=290" 


activesheet.range("$f$4:$ak$18").autofilter field:=26, _     criteria1:=array(">70", "<110", ">250", "<290"), operator:=xlfiltervalues 


activesheet.range("$f$4:$ak$18").autofilter field:=25, _     criteria1:=">=70", operator:=xland, criteria2:="<=110", operator:=xland, _     criteria2:=">=250", operator:=xland, criteria2:="<=290" 

none of these work can im wondering if im trying possible.

you need advanced filter trying achieve. here how apply:

range("a5:c10").advancedfilter action:=xlfilterinplace, criteriarange:=range _     ("a1:d2"), unique:=false 
  1. make sure data has column headers.
  2. you need create criteria section above main data. this, insert @ least 3 blank rows above data. first 1 headers, second 1 criteria; third 1 required blank (to separate main data , criteria section. see image below.
  3. copy/paste column titles main data newly created first row (see image below).
  4. starting second row, provide criteria. each criterion row "or"ed other criteria rows. if need "and" them, use single row.
  5. if need "and" 2 or more conditions on single column, create new columns in criteria range same title. example, wanted add 2 conditions on sales column in image below, added 2 sales columns (c , d) in criteria range.
  6. provide conditions using standard operators.
  7. now choose advanced filter dialog data tab in main ribbon. select data range (a5:c10 in example), criteria range (a1:d2 in example) , click ok. make sure not include blank row when selecting criteria range.

see this article more examples.

enter image description here


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