ios - SiriKit INSendMessageIntent skip confirm delegate -

i've been working on sirikit while, , result of demo not satisfied boss. reading apple documents & did best search online, still can't find way skip confirm step in sendmessageintent!

this purpose:

after resolving user comments siri,

func resolvecontent(forsendmessage intent: insendmessageintent, completion: @escaping (instringresolutionresult) -> void) {     if let text = intent.content, !text.isempty {         if text == "login touch id" {             completion(instringresolutionresult.success(with: text))         } else if text == "change password"{             completion(instringresolutionresult.success(with: text))         }         completion(instringresolutionresult.disambiguation(with: ["login touch id", "change password"]))     } else {         completion(instringresolutionresult.disambiguation(with: ["login touch id", "change password"]))     } } 

skip step "confirm",

func confirm(sendmessage intent: insendmessageintent, completion: @escaping (insendmessageintentresponse) -> void) {     // verify user authenticated , app ready send message.      let useractivity = nsuseractivity(activitytype: nsstringfromclass(insendmessageintent.self))     let response = insendmessageintentresponse(code: .success, useractivity: useractivity)      completion(response) } 

and handle delegate directly,

func handle(sendmessage intent: insendmessageintent, completion: @escaping (insendmessageintentresponse) -> void) {     // implement application logic send message here.      let useractivity = nsuseractivity(activitytype: nsstringfromclass(insendmessageintent.self))     let response = insendmessageintentresponse(code: .success, useractivity: useractivity)      completion(response) } 

hope there's can answer question me. lot!

the confirm function optional, don't need implement able conform insendmessageintenthandling protocol, handle(intent:completion:) required. shows can skip confirmation part.

you should delete confirm function , sirikit call handle function directly, without confirmation.


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