java - Vaadin 8.1 Multiple file upload -

the following code snippet used upload multiple files in vaadin 8.1 using multifile vaadin addon.

    uploadfinishedhandler handler = new uploadfinishedhandler() {         @override         public void handlefile(inputstream inputstream, string s, string s1, long l, int i) {             system.out.println("file: " + s);         }     };      uploadstatewindow uploadstatewindow = new uploadstatewindow();     multifileupload multiupload = new multifileupload(handler, uploadstatewindow);     multiupload.setcaption("multiple upload");     multiupload.setpanelcaption("multiple upload");     multiupload.getsmartupload().setuploadbuttoncaptions("upload file", "upload files"); 

however not see panel showing uploaded files. files uploaded selected. need display list of files uploaded providing user option remove file uploaded list. functionality similar upload.setimmediateupload(false) functionality in upload button. possible or there better solution uploading file in vaadin 8.1.


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