lotusscript - Lotus Notes XPage to display within Frameset -

[disclaimer: new notes, , picking project started else, i'm not sure if best approach, , out of way ....]

we have notes 9.0 frameset, being driven couple of databases. there 4 parts frame set, primary 1 being selection of client. populates second frame information, , third frame related clients - such business partners, associates, etc. fourth frame , correspondence listed related clients (either 1 or many) has been placed xpage. cannot, though, load xpage inside frame, having tried multiple instances of .urlopen(xpage location) , trying open notes:// source, http:// source, , setting target frame in both inline url , .settargetframe("frame") fashion.

is possible open xpage frameset, or there better approach this?


integrating or embedding xpages traditional domino web application common approach , straightforward because it's same protocol same authentication. integrating xpages standard notes client design element challenging variety of reasons, not url required because authentication client via notes id stored on pc, authentication xpage via http protocol.

if you're wishing display list of correspondence in standard notes frameset in notes client, approach i'd take point view or embedded view set single category based on client selected. if it's server within decent connectivity range, view performance better. if it's list, data should available view. if it's navigate documents , want open correspondence in xpage, that's achievable view setting property on form open in specific xpage.

i'm not certain, sounds choice use xpage because had developed xpage of information web access, possibly external clients themselves. while re-using previous code may seem approach, challenges of integrating 1 technology (as see) counter benefits.

this isn't xpages itself, it's embedding technologies not designed level of integration. if correspondence angular front end using rest services pull information domino, have similar issues integrating notes client application (authentication, running code on client run code on server data client process - when notes designed nrpc communication).

there may benefits in time of migrating of frameset xpages application or specific set of use cases won't require users switching between browser client , notes client. if that's not approach now, integrating xpage frameset challenge, no least in terms of , feel, may not result in user experience.


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