Separate duplicate riders in excel worksheet -

i have workbook 4d barrel racing jackpots designed. perfect in it, except want able make sure duplicate riders separated @ least 10 rows. possible? if so, how?

i know how find , rid of duplicates. that's not problem. want separate them each other.


take @ below example based on elements reallocation hold queues. takes input data column a, process it, , outputs result column b.

option explicit  sub separate()      dim nseparate long     dim cqholds object     dim qinput object     dim qresult object     dim long     dim nlength long     dim content variant     dim sqname variant     dim sqtarget variant      ' set number of rows separate     nseparate = 4      ' init objects     set cqholds = createobject("scripting.dictionary")     set qinput = createobject("system.collections.queue")     set qresult = createobject("system.collections.queue")      ' push data worksheet column input queue     = 1             content = thisworkbook.sheets("data").cells(i, 1).value         if content = "" exit         qinput.enqueue content         = + 1     loop      ' reallocate input queue elements hold queues     while qinput.count > 0         ' pull 1 element input queue         content = qinput.dequeue         ' create hold queue element if not exists         if not cqholds.exists(content) set cqholds(content) = createobject("system.collections.queue")         ' push element hold queue         cqholds(content).enqueue content         ' push nseparate empty trailing places hold queue         = 1 nseparate             cqholds(content).enqueue ""         next     loop      ' retrieve elements hold queues result queue             ' search longest hold queue non-empty element on exit         nlength = 0         each sqname in cqholds             if cqholds(sqname).peek <> "" , cqholds(sqname).count > nlength                 nlength = cqholds(sqname).count                 sqtarget = sqname             end if         next         ' target queue not found         if nlength = 0 exit         ' pull 1 empty place each hold queue         each sqname in cqholds             if cqholds(sqname).peek = "" cqholds(sqname).dequeue             if cqholds(sqname).count = 0 cqholds.remove sqname         next         ' pull element target queue , push result queue         qresult.enqueue cqholds(sqtarget).dequeue         if cqholds(sqtarget).count = 0 cqholds.remove sqtarget     loop      ' force push remaining in hold queues elements result queue     nlength = qresult.count     while cqholds.count > 0         each sqname in cqholds             content = cqholds(sqname).dequeue             if content <> "" qresult.enqueue content             if cqholds(sqname).count = 0 cqholds.remove sqname         next     loop     if qresult.count > nlength msgbox "can't arrange " & (qresult.count - nlength) & " last elements"      ' pull data result queue worksheet column b     = 1     while qresult.count > 0         thisworkbook.sheets("data").cells(i, 2).value = qresult.dequeue         = + 1     loop  end sub 

here sample code testing, number of rows separate set 4:



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