laravel - Update database column on button click -

i'm trying update database column on download button click. seems easy yet when click on button counter in database isn't updated.

i'm not sure optimal , correct way of doing here have far.

  1. one input field user pull image api
  2. when image loaded there showed button download , user can download it

also when user search image save in database searched for. controller function pull image + save in database search string. works perfectly

public function getimage(request $request) {     $url = get_curl_content_tx(''.$request->input('url'));     $items = json_decode($url, true);     $thumb = $items['image'];      $in_save = new image();     $in_save->url = $request->input('url');     $in_save->save();         $lastinsertid = $in_save->id;      return view('getimage',compact('thumb', 'lastinsertid')); } 

this function update on download button click

public function getimagedownload(request $request) {            $downrecord = image::find($request->id);       if(!is_null($downrecord) {         $downrecord->update(['counter'=>'1']);         $downrecord->save();     }         return redirect()->route();   } 

the button in view

{!! form::open() !!}     <a type="button" download="{{ $thumb }}" id="{{ $lastinsertid }}" href="{{ $thumb }}" title="" class="btn btn-primary">download image</a>        {!! form::close() !!} 

and routes

route::get('getimage', 'imagecontroller@getimage'); route::post('getimage', 'imagecontroller@getimage'); route::get('getimagedownload', 'imagecontroller@getimagedownload'); 

when click on download image button image downloaded counter isn't updated

upon discussing in chat find out not calling function getimagedownload in view. modified view code him.


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