c# - Use .net DLL with broken References -

i have use dll api in application (c#, .net 4.5). can reference dll normaly. no error @ all. if want use class of dll, following compile error:

error cs1705 assembly 'assembly_x' identity 'assembly_x, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=c878e80841e75d00' uses 'assembly_yy, version=65535.65535.65535.65535, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=c878e80841e75d00' has higher version referenced assembly 'assembly_yy' identity 'assembly_yy, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=c878e80841e75d00'

then checked dll (assembly_x) in ilspy. assembly_x has 2 references assembly_yy: 1 version , 1 version 65535.65535.65535.65535.

i tried "bindingredirect" in app.config. since error occures during compile time doesn't help.

i don't have source code of assembly_x or assembly_yy.

how can use dll or repair it?

it looks first dll referencing library higher version other dll using.

so have 3 dll's consider: a, b & bv2

your project referencing & b references bv2 (an updated version of b) when go use functions of throws error because finds b instead of bv2.


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