node.js - Firebase CORS, whitelist IP ranges -

i need whitelist 2 ip ranges access firebase cloud functions, how can achieved? pretty sure should way define them here:

const cors = require('cors')({     origin: true }); 

but couldn't find on google syntax

per configuration docs npm cors package, can use array origin value:

origin: ["", /\.example2\.com$/] 

each element in array can either string or regexp.

or can use single regexp value:

origin: /example\.com$/ 

i need whitelist 2 ip ranges

since values specified in origin option matched against value of origin request header browser sends, if origin values sent contain ip addresses instead of hostnames, specifying ip-address regexp in origin option should work.

but if origin values sent in requests instead contain hostnames, you’ll need either specify array of hostname strings in origin value, or else regexp they’ll match.


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