javascript - How to change offset on smooth scroll JQuery animation by a height of the navbar -

all smooth scrolling works perfectly, however, anchor stops @ top of page, navigation bar fixed top, need do, offset top height of navbar. how go this?

<script>   $(document).ready(function(){     // add smooth scrolling links     $("a").on('click', function(event) {        // make sure this.hash has value before overriding default behavior       if (this.hash !== "") {         // prevent default anchor click behavior         event.preventdefault();          // store hash         var hash = this.hash;          // using jquery's animate() method add smooth page scroll         // optional number (800) specifies number of milliseconds         // takes scroll specified area         $('html, body').animate({           scrolltop: $(hash).offset().top         }, 1000, function(){            // add hash (#) url when done scrolling (default click behavior)           window.location.hash = hash;         });       } // end if     });   }); </script> 

pretty simple: scrolltop: $('#hash').offset().top - navbarheight.


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