java - JToggleButton Tooltip being hidden by AWTGLCanvas -

first time developer here, hired on summer make application find layout of building. i'm having little problem jtogglebutton's in application , how interact awtglcanvas. problem being after clicking awtglcanvas labels hidden behind awtglcanvas.

as seen here.

the labels show should when hover on them before clicking on awtglcanvas. in response tried adding toolbar.requestfocusinwindow(); unfortunately still didn't work.

(the cursor hovering on jtogglebutton screen capture used gets rid of cursor)

this code i'm using make button:

protected jtogglebutton makebutton(string imagename, string actioncommand, string tooltiptext) {     string imglocation = "res/" + imagename + ".png";     jtogglebutton button = new jtogglebutton();     button.setactioncommand(actioncommand);     button.settooltiptext(tooltiptext);     try {         image image = file(imglocation));         image = image.getscaledinstance(15,15, 0);         button.seticon(new imageicon(image));     } catch (ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }     togglebuttons.add(button);     return button; } 

any or suggestions appreciated


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